Pithy Comments

In youth, it was a way I had, To do my best to please, And change, with every passing lad, To suit his theories. But now I know the things I know, And do the things I do; And if you do not like me so, To hell, my love, with you! --Dorothy Parker

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Show and Tell: Blog

I heard about this blog courtesy of Elliot in the Morning. Of Meghan's G-town experience fame.
As I near my bellydance performance, I am ever aware of my belly. More to the point, how it looks in the costume. Some days it's ok, other days I wonder it they make at-home liposuction kits! I just hope this guy doesn't show up to the show.

FUPA Hunter
What it a FUPA? A FUPA is a Man or a Woman so afflicted by obesity that their pubic area is used to store patches of soft fatty waste. Often sighted at work, the food court at the mall and Walmart, they can be spotted in families, or occasionally traveling in groups called 'schwaggles'



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